Gabriella Wong

Personal Bio
Gabriella is Executive Director and Founder of AccesSOS, a tech nonprofit fighting to make emergency help accessible for everyone. Some of AccesSOS’s contributing partners include Fast Forward, BlackRock, Google.org, Camelback Ventures and PagerDuty.org.
Gabriella has managed projects advocating for equal access to education, technology, and healthcare for people with disabilities. She is Co-Chair of NENA: the 911 Association’s (National Emergency Number Association) Communication Modalities Group, and part of working groups that focus on accessibility and emergency notification for people with disabilities.
She received her Masters in Public Health from Columbia University and is fluent in American Sign Language.
Project Description
With The Roddenberry Fellowship, AccesSOS will execute our go-to market plan for our mobile web app. For any emergency, 911 is the go-to phone call for all of us in the USA, except for the 37 million Americans who can’t hear or speak out loud. Our free mobile web app instantly translates text to a 911 phone call with the relevant information, in real time, at scale, in multiple languages.