Jimmy Dahman
Jimmy Dahman was born and raised just outside of Youngstown, OH. As a senior in high school in 2008, he was inspired by the historic election of President Obama and went on to study Political Science at Kent State University. After graduation, Jimmy organized numerous electoral and issue campaigns across more than ten states. Most recently in 2016, he managed a team of 70 staff, hundreds of fellows, and thousands of volunteers that worked to turn out voters in Ohio’s most populous county for Hillary Clinton.
After the 2016 election, while brainstorming ways to engage citizens in politics in non-election years, he came up with the idea for Town Hall Project. Throughout 2017 he worked with friends and former colleagues to create this resource and use it to further promote civic engagement.
Project Description
Town Hall Project empowers constituents across the country to have face-to-face conversations with their elected representatives. We are campaign veterans and first time volunteers. We come from a diversity of backgrounds and live across the country. We share progressive values and believe strongly in civic engagement. We research every district and state for public events with members of Congress. Then we share our findings to promote participation in the democratic process.
As a fellow Jimmy will continue, and expand upon, his work at Town Hall Project. Town Hall Project seeks to empower constituents across the country to have face-to-face conversations with their elected representatives. In 2018, they plan to expand into targeted state legislatures to provide constituents with even more opportunities to show up and make their voices heard. They also plan to post campaign events, forums, and debates where voters can ask questions and learn more about candidates’ positions. Lastly, they will continue to find new ways to mobilize people to events, hold elected officials accountable, and raise accessibility as an important issue in 2018.